Tuesday, August 01, 2006

To Start With

Welcome to The Commercial Music Blog.

Sorta modeled after Tim Young's Contrast Podcast, I have decided to start a music blog that will:

a) feature music featured in TV commercials;

b) feature an assortment of bloggers, contributing an assortment of tunes;

c) feature a sociological perspective on the effectiveness of said ads;

and d) feature The Duke of Straw as a ring-leading and dictator (as Castro is heading down a road he won’t return, I figure I better start practicing now).

If you would like to join the team, email me.


Tim Young said...

You know I'm right there taking part and I even have a track in mind ....

meandering mama said...

This sounds neat ...can't wait to to get reading!!

Anonymous said...

I love this idea!

Can we also write in and ask "what the hell is that song in the __ad" ???

There is one I keep hearing but the words go by too fast to find a string to google. I think it is for Target and a female singer. Argh. I will have to try to catch it again.

Unknown said...

I'm really enjoying your commentary and am grateful you've done so much research to put these together with their respective links! Thanks! I found nearly every track on iMesh.com and am enjoying them as I type. =)