Saturday, September 30, 2006


I had this whole thing planned. Ok, I'm lying. This was a request. Cool song. Cool video. Cool car. You dig?

Listen: Grandaddy ~ Nature Anthem

Buy it

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Intel "Multiply": Let's Dance

"Why do advertising agencies think that the world is interested in the making of their commercials?" sniffs the YouTube commenter. Well...because people like me want to find out who made the music, of course. The "making of" video didn't actually share the source of the ridiculously catchy song accompanying a just-okay spot (good dancin', though). But I was able to find out here.

[image would go here if blogger was allowing me to upload images currently, but it is not]

Frankly, I don't know what the hell the Intel Core 2 Duo does. I just like the song. Perhaps not the greatest endorsement for the commercial. And, okay, I have the tiniest bit of fear that Carlos Jean's voice could make this song go the way of "Mambo Number 5" in terms of likeability, but what the hell. This is really the first song I've heard in a commercial in a very long time that I've really liked.

So listen: Carlos Jean: Mr. Dabada.

Or watch the commercial. (Sorry, haven't embedded just yet--working on it).
And while we're at it:
Let's visit Carlos Jean (he seems really friendly).
Let's buy Mr. Dabada.
Let's buy the whole album.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

This Bud Select's For You

This song has been used in Bud Select commercials since the Super Bowl. As a huge fan of Tribe Called Quest and Q-Tip, his addition to this ChemBro song is outstanding. Its use in the commercial is clever since Tip mentions a party over here, party over there, which is what I guess Bud Select wants you to think when drinking this beer.

I dig the track but not the beer. But I’ll still watch the ad when it comes on, for the music and for the freaking weird things they use for the logo.

Listen ~ Chemical Brothers ~ Galvanize

Buy ChemBro or visit The Bud Select Website

Monday, September 25, 2006

New Sony Bravia Ad Gets Messy

sony bravia ad

Sony Bravia is working on another stunningly massive-scale commercial for it's new HD Televisions. The previous version featured 250,000 super bouncy balls tumbling down a steep San Francisco street while Jose Gonzalez's cover of Heartbeats. The new advert features a high-rise being splattered by 18,000 gallons of multi-colored paint. There's a lot of cool pictures of the event on Flickr. No mention from Sony yet as to what the musical inclusion will be.

The 'Balls' ad can be seen below:


Watch the 'Making of' video on google.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Brylcreem - Naked

This ad is an old one by now but it still makes me want to buy Brylcreem hair product over those other brands. The song is Black Tounge by The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, perfect for their tagline, "All you need is Brylcreem [and not clothes]."

Music: 4/5

Music Appropriateness to Commercial: 5/5

Ad Effectiveness: 3/5 (As if this spot is about the hair. But I did then go to Brylcreem's website and check it out, some points for that.)

Overall: 12/15 or 4/5

Watch the commercial here, buy Brylcreem, and then check out YYYs over at Amazon.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Meanwhile Back At The Pharm ~ V1.0

Pharmaceutical ads are good for one thing, the list of side effects. And this one is especially fun because it is a batch of hip-looking ladies talking during a rooftop party. Completely unbelievable.

The song in the backgound is St. Germain’s Sure Thing.

Music = 4/5 great song that has “yeah, yeah, yeah” in there somewhere, which works with the name of the drug.

Effectiveness = 2/5 being a guy, it does nothing for me, although there are probably some ladies out there intrigued by this pill

Overall = 4/5 I love this ad for the music and it’s complete disregard for real life

Buy St. Germain or get Yaz info

Monday, September 04, 2006

Back to School

As most schools start tomorrow, I figured now would be a good time to rap about Back To School Ads. Last late summer, JC Penney started running a commercial that featured an old school hip-hop song with a chorus of, You can get with this or you can get with that. Nice choice of lyrics for an ad about purchasing clothing from a store with a lot of variety.

Black Sheep ~The Choice Is Yours

Music = 5/5 As I have had this CD in my collection for over 10 years, I would proclaim it a must have classic.

Commercial = 2/5 Outside of the music, I don’t remember too much about the ad.

Overall = 3/5 Nothing special.

Buy Black Sheep or Shop JC Penney