Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Political Ad Music: John Edwards in Iowa

I'm not sure if political ads count as "commercial music," but hey, this blog averages a post every six months so surely no one will complain. I just learned, a bit behind in the news, that John Edwards has pledged to cut Congressional health insurance as President if they don't pass a universal health care coverage bill in the first six months of his administration. Check it (source):
On the first day of Edwards' administration, he will submit legislation that ends health care coverage for the president, all members of Congress, and all senior political appointees in the legislative and executive branches of government on July 20th, 2009 -- unless Congress has enacted universal health care reform.
Even better, his Iowa campaign ad features The Final Countdown, which I have to admit that I didn't know who sang it until writing this entry. Here's a hint.


Anonymous said...

This song is also the theme song for the Detroit Pistons.. Beleive it or not.

marc said...

No kidding! Well anymore it reminds me of Gob in Arrested Development.

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Anonymous said...

Too bad the President doesn't have that power. Not to imply that I wish he did, just that anyone with a enough brainpower to pull the lever and vote should know that and not fawn over empty, nonsense promises.

Anonymous said...

John Edwards is now a Obama supporter!!!!!!!!!!

Lars Shalom said...

hey, i talk to 'Jesus'

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